Haiku of Claire Gallagher (particularly her selected haiku the nether world)


the nether world

A beautiful selection of haiku by the recently deceased Claire Gallagher.

The gorgeous layout (by Anne Gallagher) uses a collage haiga by Claire for cover and section title pages. The style of one haiku per page gives a respect to the work and gives the reader the space in which to savor these poems.

Carolyn Hall (Editor of Acorn) writes on the back cover:

Claire Gallagher, a nature educator, focuses equally on the natural wonders she so loves to observe and the endlessly fascinating world of human interaction and emotion. Here is a poet who understands that the more intimately personal her observations, the more universally they will be understood. She prides herself on knowing the names of all the winds . . . and whichever way the wind blows, she captures it with strikingly memorable haiku.

Peggy Willis Lyles (Associate Editor Heron's Nest) writes on the back cover:

Claire Gallagher belongs among the myth makers, startling us with the significance of our surroundings and nudging us toward fresh perceptions and experiences. Her unique voice blends truthfulness, wit, vivid diction, and a rare vibration from mysteries just out of reach. Whether the focus is on "escalator teeth," goose droppings, soba noodles, or "a smear of stars," her haiku deliver necessary communication, nourishing intuition and empowering our humanity.

Links and Books.

Buy Haiku Seasons The Haiku Seasons: Poetry of the Natural World
by William J. Higginson. A classic.
Writing and Enjoying Haiku Writing and Enjoying Haiku: A Hands-On Guide (2003)
by Jane Reichhold, whose many skills include a keen sense for the writing and appreciation of haiku.
Guidelines on writing haiku and related forms

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