The Nordic Skalds

On the Skalds
by J. Zimmerman

* The Skalds by Lee M. Hollander.
* Structure of the skalds.
* The skalds: an annotated list.
* Kings and others contemporary with the skalds. * Links. * Books.

The Skalds: A Selection of Their Poems, With Introduction and Notes by Lee M. Hollander.
Hollander's is the most helpful book for people that cannot read books in Icelandic, Norwegian, or German.
The skalds: an annotated list.
The information here is based primarily on the information in The Skalds by Lee M. Hollander. The skalds are ordered by their estimated year of birth.

They began in the early ninth century in Norway. The Icelandic skalds became dominant at the end of the tenth century and developed a strong tradition into the fourteenth century. Icelanders continue to create and admire skaldic verse today.

Kings and others contemporary with the skalds.

Structure of Skaldic verse.

The forms of skaldic verse varied, as the hundreds of Skalds vied to outdo each other, between political factions, within political factions, and with the prominent skalds of the past.



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