Haiku Pacific Rim
Information on previous HPR (Haiku Pacific Rim) haiku conferences:
1st HPR Conference: 2002, Long Beach, USA.
35 full-time attendees.
2nd HPR Conference: November 2004, Gifu (near Kyoto), Japan.
Over 40 full-time attendees.
3rd HPR Conference: 7-11 April 2007, Matsuyama, Japan.
About 100 full-time attendees;
audience of about 200 for the one day that all the presentations were made at the Shiki museum.
4th HPR Conference: 22-25 September 2009, Terrigal, Australia.
57 full-time attendees (with over 40 additional part-time attendees).
5th HPR Conference: 5-9 September 2012, San Francisco and Pacific Grove, USA
52 full-time attendees (with 17 additional part-time attendees).
1st HPR Conference: 2002, Long Beach, USA
2nd HPR Conference: 2004, Gifu (near Kyoto), Japan
The Third Haiku Pacific Rim (HPR) Conference, 2007, Matsuyama, Japan
Conference Proceedings of
The Third Haiku Pacific Rim (HPR) Conference,
2007, Matsuyama, Japan, contain these papers:
- Jerry Ball: Welcome Remarks
- Sosuke Kanada: HPR, its Short History
- Sagicho Aibara: Welcome Greeting
- Amelia Fielden and Mariko Kitakubo: Tanka Performance
- Angelee Deodar: Shiki
- Beverley George: Haiku in Australia
- Ikuyo Yoshimura: Kidong Kang's Haiku
- Keisei Murakami: Shiki and Kijyo
- Jerome Cushman: Thank you to Murakami Kijyo
- Tei Matsushita Scott: Fusion of Poetry, Painting, and Music
- Patricia J. Machmiller: Narrow Road to the Redwood Mountains
- Visnja McMaster: Haiku cards and reading competence.
- Kai Falkman: Haiku in Sweden
- Katsushi Wada: A Message from Shiki
- Ikuyo Yoshimura: Ainu Poet Hokuto Iboshi
- Bimal Dahal: Haiku Pieces
The Fourth Haiku Pacific Rim (HPR) Conference
2009, Terrigal, Australia
Conference Proceedings of
The Fourth Haiku Pacific Rim (HPR) Conference,
2009, Terrigal, Australia, contain these papers:
- Beverley George: Introduction
- Jerry Ball: Welcome to Wind Over Water
- Martin Lucas with Stuart Quine: Haiku as a Poetic Spell
- Quendryth Young: English-Language Haiku (Far North Coast of NSW)
- John Bird: Haiku Dreaming Australia
- Maureen Sexton: The Growth of Haiku in Perth
- Sharon Dean: Sensing a Life
- Ikuyo Yoshimura: Samurai, Katō Somo
- Vanessa Proctor: Haiku and the Personal
- Linda Galloway: Signs of the Seasons
- Lyn Reeves: Breath Marks
- Angelee Deodar: Wind and Water
- Janice Bostok: A Haiku Journey
- Minako Noma: Before and After Shiki
- Cyril Childs: Haiku 45 South
- Aya Yuhki: Japanese Traditional Short Poetry
- Ron Moss: A Land of Extremes
- Kozue Uzawa: Invitation to Tanka and Gusts
- Amelia Fielden and Mariko Kitakubo: Tanka Performance
5th HPR Conference: 2012, California, USA
Keynote speaker: Dr. Akita Arima (author of Einstein's Century).
Organizing committee members:
Alison Woolpert,
Carol Steele,
Fay Aoyagi,
Garry Gay,
Jerry Ball,
Patricia Machmiller,
Patrick Gallagher,
and Susan Antolin.
Presentation committee members:
Alison Woolpert,
Jerry Ball,
Joan Zimmerman,
and Patrick Gallagher.
Official web site for Haiku Pacific Rim 2012.
Main event sequence:
- Welcome and orientation — Jerry Ball and Alison Woolpert.
- Presentation of HPR conference haiku anthology Caught in the Breeze
by its editor Susan Antolin.
- "Mourning Kiyoko: Landscape and the Haiku Experience" — June Hopper Hymas.
- "Mrs. Kiyoko Tokutomi and International Haiku Exchange" — Minako Noma.
- Introduction of
Bending Reeds,
the 2012 YTHS Members' Anthology (editor Patricia J. Machmiller,
designer Judith Morrison Schallberger, cover design Harry Lafnear);
including new translations of Dr. Arima's haiku.
- Haiku Reading by Dr. Akita Arima.
- Interview with Dr. Akita Arima with Michelle Root-Bernstein.
- Kukai led by Dr. Akita Arima.
Keynote Presentation: "A Poetry Called Haiku — the Reasons Why People Love Haiku"
by Dr. Akita Arima.
- Certificate of Gratitude Presentation (from HSA, HPNC, YT, Haiku Canada, Southern California Haiku Group,
and Poetry Center San Jose)
to Dr. Akita Arima.
Delegate presenters: Jerry Ball, Susan Antolin, Michelle Root-Bernstein, Alison Woolpert, Katherine Munro,
Deborah Kolodji, and Patricia Machmiller.
- "Young Buds" — Makoto Nakanishi.
- "Power of Haiku, Power of Seasonal Words" — Hana Fujimoto.
- "Word Choice in Haiku: The Use of Foreign Words" — David Grayson.
- "'Unexpected Truth' — Ban'ya's Advice to Gendai Poets" — Susan Diridoni.
- "How to Use Form to Deepen Meaning in English Language Haiku" — Patricia Machmiller.
- "Calligraphy: A Neglected Artistic Dimension to Haiku" — H. Phillip Hsieh.
- "A Look at Cutting and Shifting in Haiku" — Susan Antolin.
- "Moving Haibun" — Genie Nakano.
- "Unfolding My Wings: . . . Differences between Japanese Tanka and English Tanka"
— Linda Galloway.
- "Robinson Jeffers: The Poet of this Place" — Patrick Gallagher.
- "A Respective of Haiku and Senryu with Alan Pizzarelli" — Alan Pizzarelli.
- "ants on the sidewalk: a multimedia celebration of Urban Haiku" —
Wendy Wright, Deborah Kolodji, Naia, and Greg Longenecker.
- "Black Haiku: The Uses of Haiku by African-American Poets" — Charles Trumbull.
- "Haiku: oooh . . .aaah!" — Neal Whitman.
- "Haiku Chronicles: A Journey into Multimedia and Podcasting"
— Donna Beaver with Alan Pizzerelli.
- "Illumination with Shadows" [haibun] — Alex Benedict.
- "Haikuization of Russia" — Zinovay Vayman.
- "Haibun and Tanka Prose" — Amelia Fielden.
- Panel Discussion: Dojins' Corner — Jerry Ball and Patricia Machmiller.
- Panel Discussion: Editors of Modern Haiku, Acorn, Frogpond,
and former editor of Gusts and Simply Haiku
— Charles Trumbull, Susan Antolin, Michele Root-Bernstein, and Amelia Fielden.
- Awards: Winners of the Tokutomi Memorial Haiku Contest and others Award Winners
— Deborah Kolodji.
- Introduction to Renku Writing — Patricia J. Machmiller.
- Renku Writing and Party led by Alan Pizzerelli, Billie Dee,
Linda Papanicolaou, Patrick Gallagher, and Patricia Machmiller.
- Group Reading of Renku.
- Closing ceremony — Roger Abe.
Additional treasured features:
- Pre-conference picnic (hosted for the conferees by the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society)
and ginko (led by Ranger Roger Abe) at Point Lobos State Preserve on the Pacific Coast.
- Pre- and post-conference coach rides from/to San Francisco, Point Lobos, Pacific Grove, and Carmel.
- "Creative and Easy Ways of Travel Sketching" with Carolyn Fitz.
- Haiga Workshop: Art Cards with Linda Papanicolaou and Ann Bendixen.
- "Scent and Emotional Memory" with Billie Dee.
- Gentle Yoga at Dawn with Genie Nakano.
- Haiku database demonstration with Charles Trumbull.
- Silent Auction of donated items to supplement the conference scholarship fund.
- Book tables.
- Various open readings.
- Various social hours.
The conference haiku anthology Caught in the Breeze
(edited by Susan Antolin) contained poems by most of the participants,
including J. Zimmerman.
Other Books on Haiku
The Essential Haiku: Versions of Basho, Buson, and Issa
edited by Robert Hass.
The past-poet laureate of the U.S.A has compiled this enthralling collection of
his own essays in which he summarizes the lives of three masters and inventors
of the haiku tradition in Japan, and
presents the lives, the prose, and 300 of the poems of:
- Matsuo Basho (1644-94), the ascetic and seeker,
- Yosa Buson (1716-83), the artist, and
- Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827), the humanist.
The Haiku Seasons: Poetry of the Natural World
by William J. Higginson.
Related pages:
Books of Poetry Form.
Poetry forms and poets.
How to Write Poetry.
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