Poetry of haiku teacher Christopher Herold


Christopher Herold is a teacher, a haiku poet, the founding editor of The Heron's Nest (a monthly Web and hard-copy haiku journal), and a Zen practitioner.

In an essay in Modern Haiku, Cor Van Den Heuvel named Christopher Herold as one of the pillars of the development of haiku creativity in North America. This is how Van Den Heuvel introduces our teacher and his haiku sensibility:

"This poet likes to go off suddenly into the wilderness on camping trips. He has written haiku while on hikes in the Pinnacles National Monument and along trails in the Sierra Nevada. Herold's haiku are less subjective, less laden, or graced, with obvious spiritual messages than those of some other spiritually oriented poets ... Herold looks closely at small things."

In 2004, a few poets were privileged to attend the Pescadero Haiku Weekend Workshop with Christopher Herold.

Major collections:

The Heron's Nest

Christopher founded and was editor-in-chief of the haiku journal The Heron's Nest.

To read and subscribe to The Heron's Nest, "where tradition and innovation meet ... and complement each other", see The Heron's Nest www.theheronsnest.com.

Inside Out (2010)

Buy 'Inside Out' by Christopher Herold

In 2010, Red Moon Press published Christopher Herold's Inside Out, a möbius strip of a book that shows that the interior is the outside as well as the inside. And vice versa.

As of 2010, it can be ordered for $12 + shipping & handling ($3 in the U.S.A, $4 in Canada or Mexico, $5 elsewhere). Please make your check out to Christopher Herold, and mail it to:

816 Taft Street,
Port Townsend, WA


Exquisite poetry. Highly commended.

A Path in the Garden (2000)

In 2000, Katsura Press published Christopher Herold's A Path in the Garden. It was a Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award Winner.

As of 2004, it can be ordered for a total of $16.95 ($14.95 plus $2.00 for shipping and handling). Please make your check out to Christopher Herold, and mail it to:

816 Taft Street,
Port Townsend, WA

Some of my [JZ's] favorites, to commend this delicious book to you:

   shovel handle
      dark with earth
         from my hands

   cloud shadow
   long enough to close
   the poppies

   winter chill --
   darkness in the hole I dug
   for a bare-root rose

   just a minnow --
   the granite mountain wobbles
   on the lake

      over the edge
         summer clouds

   three translations
      of the same breeze
         pine... oak... cottonwood   

         redwoods slowly sprout
   from the mountain's shadow

The book's beautiful watercolors were painted by Ruth Yarrow.

Other Books on Haiku

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