Bios for the members of the Board of Directors of Poetry Santa Cruz
Len Anderson
Tom McKoy
Dennis Morton
Tilly Shaw
photo by Sandra Vines Walker |
Len Anderson
has a BA and PhD in Physics from UC Berkeley. He worked for four years in experimental elementary
particle physics and nearly 17 years at Measurex Corporation (now part of Honeywell), developing sensors for the
automation of paper manufacturing. He and his wife have lived in Live Oak since 1998.
Len has been writing poetry since 1985 and has studied with Richard Maxwell, Robert Bly, Joseph Stroud, Joseph McNeilly and Sally Ashton.
His work has appeared in a variety of literary journals, anthologies and other publications. He is a winner of the Dragonfly Press Poetry Competition, the Mary Lönnberg Smith Poetry Award
(Cabrillo College), has received a Pushcart nomination from The DMQ Review, and was awarded the 2011 Award for Outstanding Literary Achievement from Dragonfly Press. He
has published two collections of poems, Invented by the Night (2011) and Affection for the Unknowable (2003), both from Hummingbird Press.
He has also published a chapbook, BEEP: A Version of the History of the Personal Computer Rendered in Free Verse in the Manner of Howl by Allen Ginsberg.
At Poetry Santa Cruz, Len serves as Secretary-Treasurer. He has primary responsibility for publicity (flyers,
email announcements, press calendar announcements, website maintenance), research on readers,
database, PA system and archives, financial records and budgets, non-profit
status, grant applications and reports, member thank you letters & premiums, event setup, and is Contact Person.
He has directed the High School Poetry Competition and
helps coordinate our other big events, Poet/Speak, our volunteers, and liaison with Poetry Center San Jose.
Tom McKoy
has lived in Santa Cruz for 28 years. He has a BA in English from the University of Virginia and an
MS in Procurement and Contract Management (PCMAN) from St. Marys College. He retired from Lockheed
Martin Space Systems Company where he was a Contract Negotiator. He has studied with and been
inspired by Joe Stroud as well as Tom Marshall. Toms work has been published in Porter Gulch Review.
In 2009 he joined the Board of Poetry Santa Cruz where he helps with the production of the
High School Poetry Competition, assists with the monthly readings, and serves as occasional
wheel-man. He delights in the poetry scene in Santa Cruz and feels privileged to participate
in its furtherance. He has done theater work with Soquel Creek Community Theater and Actors
Theater. He attended all three days of Woodstock, has hiked the complete John Muir Trail,
and successfully memorized the Gettysburg Address in the 9th grade. (Do not ask him to repeat it now.)
He has no visible piercings or tattoos. He and his wife Ellen McCarthy live within shouting distance of downtown Santa Cruz.
Dennis Morton
serves as President of Poetry Santa Cruz. He was educated at Syracuse University and The State University of New York,
College at Oswego, where he studied poetry with Lewis Turco, author of the classic The Book of Forms.
In 1983 he moved to Santa Cruz from upstate New York. For 15 years he worked in the retail natural foods industry, organizing,
managing, and owning natural foods stores.
For the past several years Dennis has taught writing workshops to incarcerated youths and led poetry workshops in
alternative education class rooms. For thirteen years he has co-hosted The Poetry Show on KUSP, a public radio
station serving the central California coast. (The Poetry Show is the oldest radio poetry program in the country.)
Dennis also reviews films for KUSP as a member of The Film Gang. (The Poetry Show and The Film Gang are now
podcast on the KUSP website.) Dennis also assists the Features Editor at Good Times, (a local A&E weekly
newspaper) by recommending poems and essays for inclusion in The Poetry Corner, a twice-monthly full-page column.
Dennis books the readings for Poetry Santa Cruz and serves as Master of Ceremonies at the Tuesday evening reading series.
By birthright a New Englander,
Tilly Washburn Shaw
came west to Santa Cruz, California, in mid-life, to join
in building a new campus of the University of California in the late 60's, often returned later to Massachusetts
in the summer. She did her bachelor's degree at Swarthmore, her doctorate at Yale in Comparative Literature;
taught at Haverford College, Douglas College of Rutgers, and Yale University before joining the Literature
faculty at UC/Santa Cruz. When younger, she published a book on three modern poets and later began writing
poetry herself. After 37 years of teaching, she retired to the enjoyments of age, lives in Santa Cruz with
her fruit trees, friends, writing groups and books, does lay counseling with seniors, travels, swims in any
ocean she is able to. Her first collection of poems is Swimming Closer to Shore (Hummingbird Press, 2002).
Tilly Shaw helps with our member relations, distributing membership premiums, sending out thank you letters
and renewal reminders. She also provides liaison with UC Santa Cruz, which brings some of our visiting readers
into their Creative Writing classrooms and pays them through the George Hitchcock Fund, thus making their long-distance
travel affordable. Tilly also assists at our events by introducing readers.
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