Santa Cruz events have been supported, in part, by grants from Arts Council of Santa Cruz County. Some readings have also been supported by
Poets & Writers, Inc. through a grant it has received from the James Irvine Foundation.
Poetry Santa Cruz is also grateful for the support of its members and donors, In Celebration of the Muse, and those who donated
in memory of Maude Meehan, Kathleen Flowers and Hermie Medley. The William James Association acted as our fiscal sponsor for our first four years.
Events are sponsored by Bookshop Santa Cruz, Capitola Book Café, Santa Cruz Public Library, Cabrillo College English Dept.,
UCSC Division of Humanities and Creative Writing Program, Darling House, Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, and KUSP.
Membership premiums have been donated by Graywolf Press, the University of Pittsburgh Press,
Robert Sward, Coffee House Press, Copper Canyon Press, and Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
A voluntary donation of $3 may be requested at venues where collection of donations is permitted.
Robert Sward is the 20162018 Santa Cruz County Poet Laureate
Robert Sward has been selected as the new Poet Laureate of Santa Cruz County with a two-year term.
Laureate selection is made every two years by Arts Council Santa Cruz County, Poetry Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County Office of Education and Santa Cruz Public Libraries.
Read Wallace Baines article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
Download the announcement by Arts Council Santa Cruz County (docx).
Learn more on Robert Swards website.
Watch a video of local actress Ali Eppy reading part of Love Has Made Grief Absurd (22:28 minutes).
Video of Ali Eppy by Santa Cruz artist Susana Arias.
Santa Cruz Poet Shauna Gunderson
Santa Cruz poet Shauna Gunderson has been diagnosed with cancer in lymph nodes near her heart.
Learn more at Shaunas GoFundMe page.
The Young Writers Program
The Young Writers Program
is a nonprofit organization sponsored by Santa Cruz Writes and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education,.
It brings volunteer mentors into classrooms to help young students develop their writing skills. It also publishes student writing.
Volunteer mentors and donations are needed.
The Young Writers Program has announced partial funding and plans for a new after-school program,
The Word Lab.
Poetry On The Radio
The Writers Almanac airs every day at 9:01 AM and 8:01 PM on KAZU 90.3 FM.
Read and listen now.
The Poetry Show hosted by Dennis Morton no longer airs and KUSP is shut down
due to the stations financial problems. You can now listen to new and past shows here on http://poetrysantacruz.org/thepoetryshow.org/
Out Of Our Minds on KKUP 91.5 FM, Wednesdays 8:00 pm.
Hosted by Rachelle Linda Escamilla. Live interviews, poems read by the host, taped readings or interviews.
Cover to Cover on KPFA 94.1 FM. Hosted by Jack Foley.
in Local Media
Articles about poetry events, authors and books also appear in Good Times and the
Santa Cruz Sentinel.
Local Periodical Poetry Publications
The Summer 2017 issue of Catamaran Literary Reader
is available from the website and at Bookshop Santa Cruz.
See the News page for more details and news.
See the Courses page for information on writing classes.
See the Submissions page for guidelines and to submit your work.
The Fall 2014 issue of Homestead Review is available.
The Fall 2017 issue of Monterey Poetry Review is posted on the website
with poems by twenty-two poets.
The Summer 2012 issue, the Santa Cruz issue, of Perihelion
is online.
The 2015 issue of Ping Pong is
The Ping Pong Release Party plus Poetry Workshops and Exhibit was on
Day 2 of the Speech is Not Free event on
Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (PDT) at the Henry Miller Memorial Library, Big Sur, CA.
The Fall 2016 issue #18 of phren-Z features work by the 12 poets who are members of the
Emerald St. Poets writing group: Marcia Adams, Len Anderson, Dane Cervine, Robin Lysne, Joanna Martin, Tom McKoy,
Adela Najarro, Maggie Paul, Stuart Presley, Lisa Simon, Janet Trenchard, Phillip Wagner.
All available online at the website.
Submit your work now for consideration.
The 2016 issue of Porter Gulch Review
is available. The reading was held Tuesday, May 16, 2017 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Cabrillo College Horticulture Center.
Submissions for the 2018 issue are due by December 1. Send your best stories, poems, novel excerpts, plays, screenplays, photos and artwork
for the Spring 2018 issue. Send up to TWO submissions to PGRsubmissions@gmail.com and include
a short playful bio. Send all images as high resolution files, 400 dpi, or upload via Dropbox and provide a link.
The Red Wheelbarrow 2017 National Edition submission deadline is extended to February 26, 2017.
The annual reading from the 2016 magazine was held in the Poetry Center San Jose Well-Red series in Works/San Jose gallery on December 13, 2016.
The Swan Scythe Press deadline for its 2016 Poetry Chapbook Contest was June 15, 2016.
The winner of the 2016 Swan Scythe Press Chapbook Contest is Lisa Dominguez Abraham from Sacramento, California for her manuscript Mata Hari Blows a Kiss.
The Yuki Teikei Haiku Society sponsors
an annual Haiku Contest and an annual Retreat at Asilomar State Beach and Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA.
Breaking into Print: Poetry Books by Local Authors
Robin Lysne is the author of Mosaic: New and Selected Poems (Blue Bone Books, 2017), now available.
Marcia Adams is the author of Understory (Blue Bone Books, 2017), now available.
Barbara Bloom is the author of Pulling Down the Heavens, now available from
Hummingbird Press.
Keith Emmons is the author of Moondrifter Reverie, published by Red Mountain Press, Santa Fe, also available at Bookshop Santa Cruz.
Eliot Ruchowitz-Roberts has a new collection published: White Fire, published by Ping-Pong Free Press.
Charles Atkinson has two new publications: Skeleton, Skin And Joy
from Finishing Line Press, now available for purchase,
and This Deep In>, published by Hummingbird Press. Launch reading is Sunday, June 18 at 4:30 pm in the auditorium at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front Street, Santa Cruz.
Kevin Opstedal is the author of Pacific Standard Time
from Ugly Ducking Press, now available.
Ann Pelletier is the author of Letter That Never
from The Word Works, now available.
Rosie King is the author of Time and Peonies, now available from
Hummingbird Press.
Amy MacLennan is the author of The Body, A Tree
from MoonPath Press, now available.
Wilma Marcus Chandler is the author of The Night Bridge, now available from
Hummingbird Press.
Ellen Grace OBrian is the author of The Moon Reminded Me (Homebound Publications, 2016), a finalist for the Homebound Publications Prize.
Jim Russo has published three new poetry chapbooks: Laura and Make Your Move, and Soldiers for Peace (Sky Bolt Circus Press, 2016).
Marc Zegans is the author of Boys in the Woods, a hand-bound chapbook now available from
Crane Maiden Books.
Melinda Rices chapbook of poems, Sea Fever,
is now available at Bookshop Santa Cruz and from Finishing Line Press.
Lisa Allen Ortizs first full-length collection of poems is Guide to the Exhibit,
the winner of the 2016 Perugia Press Prize and is now available.
David Allen Sullivans new chapbook, take wing, (Casey Shay Press, 2016)
is the winner of the 2016 Mary Ballard Poetry Chapbook Prize.
Gary Youngs latest is a chapbook, Adversary, (Miramar Editions, 2015).
Ziggy Rendler-Bregman has published her first collection, The Gate of Our Coming and Going, which
also includes 18 of her full-color monoprints and is available at Bookshop Santa Cruz. Her launch reading was held December 10 at Holy Cross Parish Hall.
Maria Garcia Teutschs new chapbook, The Revolution Will Have Its Sky,
(Minerva Rising, 2015) is the winner of the 2015 Minerva Rising Chapbook Prize, judged by Heather McHugh.
Mary Lou Taylors new collection is Bringing Home the Moon, (Kelsay Books, 2015).
David Allen Sullivans new collection is Black Ice, (Turning Point, 2015).
Tilly Washburn Shaws last book of poems, Hanging Out in the Ordinary has been printed
posthumously by Hummingbird Press and is available at Bookshop Santa Cruz. A reading was held Sunday, November 8, 2015.
William Minors latest collection is Gypsy Wisdom: New and Selected Poems, (Park Place Publications, 2015).
Jim Russo has published three poetry chapbooks: Kids Ruled, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, and
The Sway of Color, (Sky Bolt Circus Press, 2015).
J.P. Dancing Bears very new book is Cephalopodic, (Glass Lyre Press, 2015),
2014 winner of the Kithara Prize. Free shipping from the publisher if you email your NAME, ADDRESS and desired BOOK TITLE to publisher@glasslyrepress.com
After the book has been sent out, they email an invoice payable via PayPal or by check for $16.
Also available online at Amazon.com.
Stephen Kessler has two new books: Need I Say More?: Portraits, Confessions, Reflections
(El Léon Literary Arts, 2015) and Where Was I?, (Greenhouse Review Press, 2014).
Adela Najarro has two new poetry collections published: Split Geography
(Mouthfeel Press, 2015) and Twice Told Over, (Unsolicited Press, 2015).
Dan Phillips has a new collection published: Places of the Spirit, (Dandasana Press, 2014).
Imaginary Animal by Rachelle Linda Escamilla was the Grand Prize Winner for Poetry of the
2014 Willow Books Literature Awards.
Carolyn Mary Kleefelds latest collection is The Divine Kiss, (Cross-Cultural Communications, 2014).
Nils Michals is the author of Come Down to Earth, (Bauhan 2014), which won the May Sarton New Hampshire Prize.
Curt Anderson is the author of The Occasionist, (Hip Pocket Press, 2014).
Rudy Calderón is the author of Mexican-American My Hybrid Blood.
Franco Juárez y Cahue is the author of Palabra Franca, a collection of poems in Spanish.
Carolyn Brigit Flynns collection of poems, Communion: In Praise of the Sacred Earth, was
published in April, 2014 by White Cloud Press in Ashland, OR. The book launch reading, with accompaniment by Shelley Phillips on harp, was
held on May 2, 2014 in the Pacific Cultural Center.
Erica Goss latest book is Vibrant Words: Ideas and Inspirations
for Poets from Pushpen Press, released in April 2014.
Ellen Bass has her latest collection of poems,
Like a Beggar, published by Copper Canyon Press, released in February 2014.
Robin Lysne is the author of Poems for the Lost Deer
(Blue Bone Books, 2014).
J. P. Dancing Bears latest books are Love Is a Burning Building, (FutureCycle Press, 2013)
and The Abandoned Eye (FutureCycle Press, 2012) is available online at Amazon.com.
Douglas McClellans new collection of poems is So Many Chairs
(Many Names Press, 2013).
Poet and Aikido teacher Linda Holiday is the author of
Journey to the Heart of Aikido: The Teachings of Motomichi Anno Sensei.
Kyle Shanebeck is the author of Awake the Reflections, available from
His website is kyleshanebeck.com/
Charles Atkinsons latest chapbook is World News, Local Weather
from Finishing Line Press, now available for prepublication purchase ordering.
Danusha Laméris first collection of poems, The Moons of August, has been selected
by Naomi Shihab Nye to receive the 2013 Autumn House Poetry Prize and was published by Autumn House Press in early 2014.
Patricia Zylius is the author of Once a Vibrant Field: Poems about Tom Cuthbertson
from Finishing Line Press, now available for prepublication purchase ordering.
Mary Addems Carr is the author of Trajectories: Selected Poems 20072012,
published via On Demand Books on the Espresso Book Machine at Bookshop Santa Cruz.
Pamela OShaughnessy has published Figments and Other Poems
(Laika Press, 2013), a comprehensive collection of her poetry to date.
John Laues latest book is a collection of senryu: Word Gains
(Writers and Lovers Studio, 2013). His latest chapbook, Shadows, was published in January by
Finishing Line Press.
Also, his book Colma (City of the Dead/ Elegy for Skeptics) was reissued in February in a new
augmented edition with photos he took of that cemetery city (Futurecycle Press, 2013).
His chapbook A Confluence of Voices was published in 2012,
by Finishing Line Press.
An interview with him and a selection of poems from A Confluence of Voices is featured in the newest issue of
The Seventh Quarry, an international journal out of Swansea, Wales (available by purchasing the issue).
His books are available at Bookshop Santa Cruz and Capitola Book Café.
Dahlia Seroussi is the author of What I Know
from Finishing Line Press, now available for prepublication purchase ordering.
Lisa Allen Ortizs second chapbook is Self Portrait as a Clock
from Finishing Line Press, now available for ordering.
Helene Simkin Jara has published her first book, Because I Had To,
a collection of award-winning short stories, poems, monologues and plays. Available
from Amazon.com.
Joanna Martins second book of poetry is Where Stars Begin
available from Hummingbird Press, 2013.
Stephen Kessler has two new books out. Scratch Pegasus is the ninth
collection of his own poems and is published by Swan Scythe Press. Poems of Consummation is a collection of
his translations of poems by the Spanish poet Vicente Aleixandre and is published by Black Widow Press.
Dane Cervines new book of poetry is How Therapists Dance
from Plain View Press.
Anna Citrino is the author of Saudade
from Finishing Line Press and is now available for purchase.
Peggy Heinrichs seventh book of poetry is Forward Moving Shadows: A Tanka Memoir
with photographs by John Bolivar. Available from iUniverse and the author.
Michael Wolfe is the translator for Cut These Words into My Stone: Ancient Greek Epitaphs
with a foreword by Richard P. Martin and published by Johns Hopkins University Press. He read at the Gabriella Cafe Monthly Literary Salon
on December 4 and brought his surprising tale of the oldest artful writing in the Western world to the annual Northern California
Phi Beta Kappa symposium at Asilomar in the opening presentation on Friday, February 15.
See reviews in Poetry and
The Arts Fuse.
Lynika Cruz is the author of the chapbook If We Never Went Home, being published in December 2012
by Finishing Line Press and may be ordered now. Early orders are encouraged since orders help determine the size of the printing.
Her memoir Beggars CAN Be Choosers was published by Global Publishing in August 2012.
C. J. Sages latest book is Open House.
Patrice Vecchiones book The Knot Untied, is available
at Bookshop Santa Cruz and through the books website www.theknotuntied.net.
The website also includes an extensive list of the author events,
including a reading at Bookshop Santa Cruz on April 2.
Nick Herbert is the author of Harlot Nature, 2012, Sea Creature Press.
Frances Hatfield is the author of Rudiments of Flight, available now from Wings Press.
Dion Farquhar is the author of Wonderful Terrible, available from Main Street Rag.
Joan Safajeks collection of poems is In Deep Time, published in 2012.
She passed away on November 10, 2012.
James Maughns third collection, These Peripheries, is now published in 2012
by Otoliths Books in Australia.
Peter Nash is the winner of the 2011 Off The Grid Press Award for Poets Over 60.
His collection Coyote Bush: Poems From the Lost Coast was published in 2012, available from Off The Grid Press.
He read on August 18 at 5:30 pm in Felix Kulpa Gallery.
Erica Goss is the winner of the 2011 Many Mountains Moving Poetry Contest.
Her chapbook Wild Place was published in 2012, available from Finishing Line Press.
She was interviewed by Dennis Morton on The Poetry Show on Sunday, August 5. The show may be heard or downloaded at The Poetry Show Blog.
She read with Catherine Barnett at 7:30 pm on August 14 at Bookshop Santa Cruz.
David Sullivans book of poems in multiple voices about the Iraq war
is Every Seed of the Pomegranate, published by Tebot Bach, June 2012. The Publication Celebration Reading
was held July 15 in the Cabrillo College Horticulture Center.
National Poetry News
For national poetry news, check out
Poetry Dailys news
Poets and Writers
Poetry Flash
The Academy of American Poets.
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Poetry Santa Cruz | (831) 464-8983