Sierra Nevada (2011) Anne Stevenson. 5 ¾ by 8 3/8 inches. 18 accordion pages. 10 illustrations.
The text is a poem by Anne Stevenson, a contemporary poet who has allowed Donna to use her beautiful poem in this artists’ book. The book is hand written on Peter's handmade paper by Donna using her personal calligraphic face, in black ink with rubricated inital letters and opening words in blue and gold inks. There are six landscape watercolor paintings and four watercolor illustrations of wildflowers. Donna carries paints and paper with her when backpacking, and these paintings were all made on trips in the Sierra in 2011. The illustrations are held in place and framed by silhouette cut outs of trees, rocks and flowers. The book is 3/4 bound in with blue goat and Peter's hand made paper, with a watercolor framed by silhouette cut outs on the front cover. The end pages are paper made with sedge and blackberry fibers harvested from our gardens. The book is housed in a clamshell box covered in silver-blue silk book cloth with the title and silhouette tree imagery on the front cover. Handmade paper made by Peter Thomas. $850.